okay, so there was this storm here, right? it struck louisiana on august 29, 2005. (1) it was absolutely a big deal, (2) i am, by no means, belittling the tragic nature of what occurred, and (3) i have discussed it in less cheeky terms here: my first ever new orleans post. so if you don’t care for cheek, get your ass outta here. (get it? heh.)
so any-hoo, here’s the thing that i find wild about The Storm: more than four years later, people are still talking about it. i mean, like a primary topic of conversation. i mean, like, i can’t go wait in line to buy a cherry pepsi at the breaux mart without hearing it come up. it’s un-freakin’-canny. i’m not putting anybody down over this; it just bugs me out is all. i was living in nyc when the towers fell and was still there more than four years after, and trust me, we weren’t still talking about it on the daily. different dynamic, i suppose. less widespread devastation, i reckon. bigger city, you might add. well, bethatasitmay, i have decided to use new orleans’s quirky little habit for my own personal, diabolical amusement. behold, i give you (read: me)…
here’s how the game is played: any time you (read: i) hear any mention of “the storm” or “katrina” in a location shown on the card, that location is marked off. the goal—duh—is to get five in a row in any direction. the prize? personal satisfaction at a job well done and front row seats at the award ceremony in your (read: my) honor, to be held just south of the river styx.
…wanna play?
[Via http://piratejanny.wordpress.com]
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