Saturday, November 7, 2009

You can't go home, but you can go forward

I was browsing this great post by zed at The Spearhead (go read it if you haven’t already) when I came across this equally awesome comment from finsalscollons. He’s a bit too much on the extreme side, but his overall thrust is powerful:

What men want from women? Irrelevant. Any society in history has been the answer to the question “what women want from men”. Men are programmed to please women and not the other way around, the same way mothers are programmed to please children and not the other way around. It is only evolution in practice. Women control men, always have, always will.

DNA studies showed that aboout 80% of women of yore managed to reproduce as opposed to 40% of men. Women have always been hypergamous and the few millenia of monogamous marriage have not changed their basic nature. In order to tame the hypergamous female sexuality, massive cultural artifacts have been required. It has been required the brainwashing of women (religion, “be a good girl”). It has also been required an universal social stigma against hypergamous behaviour (illegitimate children being labelled as “bastards”, promiscuous female behaviour being labelled as “slut”, stigma against single moms). It has been required that women were not able to economically support themselves, in order to force them to forfeit the excitement of an alpha cad in favor of a more stable beta provider, in order to make ordinary men attractive for women.

On the other hand, men were pressured into marriage in an early age where their hormones were high and were willing to trade a life of economic support for a bit of sex. Men were brainwashed to think marriage was the only honorable option. The fact that sex was taboo was a way for these men not to know that sex dries up in marriage so they entered marriage thinking they have secured a steady supply of sex (I think Erasmus told that “men enter marriage dreaming of white sheets”). Everybody thought that the neighbor was having more sex than himself (see “How to Make Love to the Same Person for the Rest of Your Life”)

All this cultural brainwashing was to make women want a beta provider. The answer in the good old days to the question “what women want from men?” was a “good husband and father”. But this was not the true nature of women, only result of massive brainwashing for millenia.

All these cultural artifacts have been dismantled the past few decades and now the answer to the question “what women want from men?” is “an alpha if this is possible, if it is not, then a share of an alpha”. This is the basic female nature: hypergamous and has an evolutive explanation, as all of you know.

So when women whine about not finding men and about men being afraid of commitment, many MRAs take a perverse pleasure saying “they are reaping the consequence of their behavior”, “let them rot”, etc. I myself have been victim of this schadenfreude.

What many men are not aware of is that women whining about the lack of commitment are not whining about the lack of commitment from us, but about the lack of commitment from Mr. Alpha. When people are in their twenties and thirties, there are more men than women, so every woman could have a husband (if she lowers her unrealistic standards). But they prefer to be with an alpha who is pumping and dumping her than with a beta husband.

So all this fantasies about women rotting and discovering that their refusal of men have taken them to a single life and then abandoning the gender war and becoming traditional women are only fantasies. Women are in the exact point they want to be. They always have, they always will, because biology has given an enormous amount of power to the female of every species. Of course, women whining about everything (it’s their unconscious way to make other people work for them to help their offspring), but they don’t prefer being married to the current state of affairs and they don’t want to go back to the fifties (as opposed to the idealization of the fifties, with an alpha in any household).

What are the solutions for men then? On a collective level, the solution is the inevitable overcoming of matriarchal Western society by patriarchal societies. Every time a society becomes matriarchal, it is overcome by patriarchal societies, which are more efficient in reproduction. This happened with ancient Rome, with Sparta, with Babilonia (read “Sex and culture”). Europe will be Islamic in one century. I don’t know how things will be in USA but the future is patriarchal (right-wing, Latino, you name it, but patriarchal).

Resurrecting the patriarchal nature of Western society is futile now. Once the stigma against hypergamous nature is gone, it is impossible to resurrect it because it would take a conscious decision of the vast majority of the elite to “brainwash” the masses. This is not going to happen. Brainwashing is imposed by the culture but not choosen. Furthermore, the elite has interest in the current state of affairs and most elite males are alpha and having the time of their life with all these informal harems.

On a personal level, there are three solutions from men. Learning Game and pumping and dumping women (”the PUA way”), leaving women alone and find meaning in other pursuits (”the MGTOW way”) and expatting. I have expatted and I am happy of having done so. I have lived in Central America for ten years.

Don’t be fooled about all these siren songs about non-Western women being better than Western women. The basic instincts are exactly the same and non-Western women also look for alphas. They also prefer to be in an alpha harem than to be in a beta marriage. Believe me: I have know them for ten years. Women are women everywhere and their hypergamous nature is biological not cultural. The difference is:

(a) I was a beta in America but I am an alpha here and I can choose between a harem and/or a traditional wife.

(b) Laws are not that stacked against men and many women are still brainwashed into being a “good girl” (this is rapidly disappearing because of Western influence). So non-Western women are sweeter, more traditional and behave better than Western women. But, in the core, all women have the same nature and the faster men understand that the less pain they will have when they see their illusions being broken by a woman.

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