Thursday, September 17, 2009

50 Cent: Blood On The Sand - Review (PS3)

I’m not a 50 Cent fan, like a few of his tracks but never bought an album or anything. So wasn’t sure what to make of Blood On The Sand – especially as his previous game, Bulletproof, was widely condemned as poor.

The story of Blood On The Sand is one of the most ridiculous I’ve ever heard but I suppose is in keeping with the hip hop/rap fantasy these guys peddle.

Fiddy performs a concert in the Middle East but the promoter claims not to have the agreed fee afterwards. Luckily he has a rare diamond encrusted skull instead which Fiddy accepts. Then they get ambushed and the skull is stolen by a militia group. You are then tasked with killing lots of people to retrieve the skull. Yes, really.

While all this is of course pure nonsense, the game itself is actually very playable. A pleasant surprise, as I was expecting something akin to Terminator Salvation with rappers shouting.

I got rappers shouting (there is even a taunt button for Fiddy to use) but the gameplay here was more similar to The Bourne Conspiracy – it even features (more violent) takedowns.

The main story mode clocks in at around 6/7 hours which, although a touch short, isn’t too bad.

It’s not too taxing a game, more of a run and gun than a tactical shooter. There are a few frustrating parts but overall the game is fairly well balanced.

Blood On The Sand is not something I’ll ever play again or really recommend to friends. It was a good laugh and if you’re stuck for something to play this is worth a rent.

A surprise then, one of those rare occasions where a game is actually quite a bit better than you thought it would be. It might not be a world beater but it caters to it’s audience and is accessible for everyone who plays it.

Rating: 6/10

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